EBA Website Help

There are a few features on the website that you may not be aware of, but that can help you get the most out of the site.

Personalised URL

You can access your page on the site directly by typing www.eamonnbedford.com/yourname

The “yourname” should be your name, all as one word and all in lowercase lettering. This will allow you to take people directly to your page rather than navigating through the main page menu options.

Portfolio Shots

Clicking on your photo in your page will enlarge it on the screen. It will also reveal a few extra options in the top right corner of your browser.

The first is a magnifier. Once selected the photo will expand in size to its original size. To return repress the similar icon though now showing a minus rather than plus sign.

The second is the share button. More on this below.

The third icon will make the photo fill your screen. The fourth will close the photo softbox and return to your CV page

The Share button

This will offer another set of options as shown below. These allow you to share to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, to download the photo to your device or to copy a link to the photo if you wish to share it elsewhere, such as an email!


PDF stands for Portable Document Format. It’s a fairly universal file type working on both PCs and Macs. Each actor has the option to download/share their pdf which is kept regularly updated by their agent. Each actors page has a pdf button that’ll direct them to this document. Most browsers will then have an icon in the top right corner offering to download that document (Safari users must select the URL then hold down ALT+Enter to download)

Another option is to copy the pdf’s Url and share that. For example, right click the “CV in PDF” button and select Copy Link. The link is now on your clipboard and you can paste it to wherever you’d like such as a letter, email or text message. You can do this with all four buttons.

Download Showreel

The showreel button, once pressed, should download your showreel straight to your computer.

Large file transfer

Files can be sent to the webmaster of this site via actorcv.wetransfer.com